钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

2014-12-31 16:16:49 45点赞 33收藏 17评论

lz身为一名篮球爱好者,多年来一直潜心研究打铁技术,无奈未能得到K24真传,恨铁不成“钢”,正好趁着公司采购书籍,一怒之下入了这本心水已久的《IRON MAN》,希望能够从中悟出钢铁到底他妈的是怎样炼成的?! [商品:Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase [精装] [钢铁侠3] ]

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

周六下的单 ,周日就到了 速度点个赞钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

小伙伴们已经等不及开箱了 钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册


钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

由于之前已经有相关晒单了 lz在此也不重复晒了 PS:东西真是不错滴 钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册 买一本作为收藏也是极好的

第二本:打铁侠 ~ 哦 是钢铁侠 IRON MAN!钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

包装不错 外面还有一个套套 纸张质量 页数都非常实在钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

很热血啊 有木有~!


钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

这是蛤玩意儿?钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册 哥们你咋了 哪里疼?

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

继续 一些设定 构思可能来源于七龙珠里的人造人钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册


钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

脸部的一些细节设定图 光一个头盔造型,就需要射鸡湿画多少图去细化啊钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

头部的远程控制系统设定 《钢铁侠3》改编自漫画家沃伦·艾利斯的《绝境改造》,正是由于“绝境病毒”的植入,钢铁侠才可以彻底摆脱了庞杂的机械臂与漫长的变身过程,甚至是托尼·斯塔克的肉身都具有了一定的超能力,“绝境病毒”可以说实现了神经与战甲的连接

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册


钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

Captain 乱入

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册 钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册 come on~

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

各种pose 各种盔甲钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册 钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册 衣服多就是好啊

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

斯多呸~! 这张看着怎么这么眼熟这么猥琐呢?

Hulk 乱入

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

接下来是一些场景设定 lz觉得3里面 钢铁侠已经不仅仅是指这些盔甲了,而是斯塔克本人。盔甲么,和我们平时橱柜里的衣服差不多,只不过人家的贵一点而已钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

最后还有不少打斗动作的草图 想起了小时候看的连环画钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

看来每一个动作场景的设定也是相当考究啊钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

有没有很像奥特曼的大招~钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册


钢铁 一直是人类依赖的资源,汽车,工厂,甚至于英雄的战衣,但是英雄不可能永远保护着其他人,因为他们也有自己的生活,所以当看到无数的钢铁在天上爆出一场灿烂的烟花的时候,我知道预示着这个系列从此完结了。但是我只知道在IRON MAN的世界里,这是属于钢铁的时代,钢铁的意志,钢铁的身躯,钢铁的力量,一场属于钢铁的末日狂欢。

好吧 lz的打铁事业(职业+爱好)还将继续进行下去钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册


钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

钢铁的末日狂欢:《Marvel's Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie Slipcase》钢铁侠画册

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