【打印素材】超有用的核心词汇学习方法:Dolch Sight Words in a Story

2021-06-04 14:00:00 0点赞 16收藏 0评论



另外,使用绘本学习核心词汇也是一个好法子,在论坛里看到一位家长推荐用国外的220 Dolch Sight Words in a Story学习,是将220个核心词汇编写到一个故事中,帮助小朋友复习和巩固核心词汇,而且这位有心的家长还请母语人士录制了音频,真的很棒!

The Best Thing In The World(文本)

Once upon a time, there were four brothers who lived in a far away land. Their father was an old king. One day he said, "I will not live long now. Today you must start out into the world. In a year, bring back the best thing you have found. The one who can pick the best thing shall be the new king." The first brother said, "I will look in every city or town. I will buy the best thing I can for my father." The next two brothers said, "We will both go on fast ships over the sea. We will find something better." The last brother said, "I am going to ask the people here in our own land to tell me the best thing." The other three brothers began to laugh. "Then you will never be king!" They said.
The last brother started off. When he had gone about six miles, he met a man. "What do you carry in those big bags?" he asked. "The best thing in the world," said the man. "These are full of the good nuts which fall from my five nut trees." "I don't think that would work," said the brother to himself, "I must try again." The brother went on another seven miles. He found a small brown bird. It had been hurt, so he put it in his coat where it could keep warm. As he went on, he saw a little girl crying. He ran to meet her. "Why are you crying?" he asked. "I want to get some water from the well," she said. "We use so much. We drink cold water. We wash the clothes clean with hot water. But I do not know how to pull it up. Please show me." The brother said, "Hold this bird and I will help you. It does not fly around any more because it got its wing cut." "Thank you. What a pretty bird!" she said. "I wish you would give it to me. If you will let me keep it, I will always be very kind to it. I will take care of it myself. I will make it grow well again." "Yes, you may have it," said the brother. So he gave her the bird and went on.
At night, he went to sleep under a round yellow haystack. When it was light again he walked on. Every day he would walk eight or ten miles. He asked the people about the best thing in the world. Some said it was best to sing. Some said it was best to run and jump and play. Some said the green grass was best. Some liked the red and blue and white flowers best. One man

同时,我再科普下Dolch Sight Words,希望大家能静心下来帮助小朋友一起掌握好核心词汇。

Sight words 是儿童阅读初级的常用字,共有220个字,是由美国学者E.W.Dolch在二次世界大战之前,针对英语儿童读物做了分析,统计后,所整理出最常被使用的220个字,分成五个levels,所以这220个字被称为Dolch Sight Words。另外Dolch亦列出童书中最常出现的95个名词:Dolch Nouns来搭配sight words学习,对初阶英语学习者是不可缺的基础。

为什么在孩子初学英语进入阅读阶段,需要特别教sight words呢?如果孩子在阅读单句前,在十个字中已能读出其中的七,八个字,其余的再利用phonics拼读法试着读出,再结合读本中提供的图片以及前后文,做文意之猜测与理解,那么,基本上,孩子就踏出英语阅读的第一步了。而且核心词汇中,很多发音规则也不符合自然拼读的规律,先学习有利于后期拼读的学习,这也是我为什么推荐大家一定要先学习核心词汇,然后再去学习自然拼读的原因。

Sight words在孩子早期阅读的书本中就占了60%~85%.也就是说,在指导孩子阅读之前,若能先带入sight words,英语教学的过程就会更顺利。


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